Sunday, August 23, 2020

Two Nano version finished on breadboard

 The breadboard version pretty much finished. Want to document where I got to.

Here's the screen that shows the bottom nano running an 1802 program and disassembling it in real time.

The program on the left is just a default dummy program loaded in when system starts up. The 1802 "thinks" ROM starts at $0 in dumb IC but's just fetching from lower nano. 

The breadboard setup is pictured bellow.

LHS is CDP1802, Top nano does address bus work. Bottom nano outputs instructions to 1802 and links with PC via terminal.

The program in the lower Nano is spi0SlaveN.ino and is in pastebin

The program in the upper nano is spiMaster8.ino,

The little embedded 1802 program that comes with the lower nano is nano2E.lst 

The final thing to do is to insert a longer program via terminal that goes into nano's memory at $4000. This can be done via avrdude as outlined in previous post. 

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Pi Pico and other Boards

 Got a new Pi Pico and it looks very promising. Want to use Oled display with it.